Hola?, halo?, hello?, is this working?

Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentelmen and welcome to the official opening of my brand-new blog. It's been quite a few hours working *cough* very hard *cough* to set this up, so I'll try to keep it short.


For those who don't know me yet, my name is Iñaki Merino Albaina and I'm about to divert the course of my steps from the not-so-conventional path that I've been enjoying so far to a even more exciting one. Being just graduated from school, it's about time to do what I enjoy most in life: travelling.

The Trip: Itinerary & Motivation

In a few days I'm off for a long journey through -what I believe to be- some of the most fascinating regions of this little planet. At this point I won't tell anything about my itinerary for two reasons: 1) To keep the engagement, and 2) Because I don't really know much about it.

However, I would like to tell a little bit about the motivation to do this trip. Over the last weeks some people came to me asking why I'm taking this 'diversion' even when there is no obstacle blocking the road. Well, the answer is easy: Because I Can*. Some people decide to travel the world after being diagnosed some terminal disease; others pray every night to see their 'Fantastic Six' starring in tomorrow's lotto show; others make an absolute fool of themselves on public television to get the money... I just couldn't wait that long! Having no girlfriend, children, job, health problems or mortage to worry about, I cannot think of a better way to pay tribute to those who always wanted -but never dared- to travel around the world.

Rules of the Game:

  1. I depart alone, I travel in company.
  2. There is no limit of time or distance.
  3. Visit/sight = 10 kudos // Activity = 1000 kudos
  4. The game ends when I run out of any of the items of my valued treasure.

Well, I guess that's all for now. Ugh, not an easy thing starting a blog... I hope you got an idea of what kind of things you may find here in the future. If not, come back in a few days and find out by yourself!/p>

*I came up with this much earlier than Mr. Obama's consultants.

Bienvenidos a mi nuevo blog de viaje.

Para los que no me conozcáis me llamo Iñaki Merino Albaina Albaina, acabo de graduarme y me predispongo a hacer lo que más me divierte: viajar.

Aunque muchos ya lo sabéis, no voy a contaros a dónde voy ni lo que voy a hacer allí por dos motivos: 1) Para engancharos a este blog y 2) Porque no lo tengo del todo claro.

Sin embargo, si me gustaría contaros el motivo de mi viaje. Mucha gente me pregunta por qué lo hago, la respuesta es sencilla: Porque puedo. Mucha gente decide hacer algo así cuando se les diagnostica una enfermedad terminal, otros sólo si les toca la loteria (aunque habría que verlo) y también están los que van a algun programa de la tele... en fín, ¡yo no puedo esperar tanto tiempo!. Sin novia, hijos, trabajo, problemas de salud o hipoteca por los que preocuparme; no se me ocurre una manera mejor de homenajear a todos los que siempre quisieron pero nunca pudieron (o se atrevieron a) dar la vuelta al mundo.

  1. Parto sólo pero viajo en compañía.
  2. No me pongo límites en tiempo o distancia.
  3. Visitar/ver algo = 10 minipuntos // Hacerlo = 1000 minipuntos
  4. Mi viaje acaba cuando se me acaben alguno de mis tesoros.

Pues básicamente eso es todo, espero que os hagáis una idea de lo que encontraréis en esta página.

Una cosa más, estos párrafos en español son un traducción resumida y no-literal de la versión en inglés, sobretodo para los que no tuvistéis la oportunidad de aprender el idioma de Shakespeare o para los que estáis aprendiendo el de Cervantes. A los que 'chapurreáis' un poco, animaros e intentar leer la versión inglesa, es más divertida y os servirá para practicar.


Anonymous said...
February 3, 2009 at 7:56 AM

Yo siempre he sido de Nesquick

Anonymous said...
February 4, 2009 at 11:09 PM

Well... Mister Iñaki. I'm wishing you a lot of fun along the way, which I know you'll certainly have! Great stuff, this blog, I'm eager to follow your trip. And I'm fascinated by your tendency to keep track of your own status via funny icons! Makes me think of your Flowie ;) Oh, and I'm mostly fascinated by your Cola Cao supply: I wonder how you decide when to take it (solemn moments? in the heat of the moment? when you're lost? when you're happy?)

Ok, good luck to you! And most importantly: have fun!

Anonymous said...
February 5, 2009 at 12:18 AM

Haha, it's fun to see you've made a game out of the whole thing. So if I understand correctly, the three month time span you talked about before no longer applies? Adventurous! Hope you have loads of fun. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...
February 5, 2009 at 8:30 AM

Go Injaki Go!
Keep us well posted

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