Getting to the Airport: Vitoria-Zaragoza-London

LondonThis is Iñaki safe & sound writing from an Internet cafe right next to Camdem Town (London).

What a cracking start! Three days catching up with old friends and making new ones. I spent the first night out at Salomon's Inn. Salomon is a 20-year old huge cat sharing and apartment with four girls in centre of Zaragoza (Spain). One of them, Maria, was one of my best friends during my time as a student in Pamplona. She and Silvia (another ex-classmate) helped me to unpack/repack and took me out for dinner. Big fun!

On Wednesday I took my first flight to London. I was quite lucky since two days earlier Ryanair had canceled the very same flight due to heavy snow at Stansted Airport. I left Zaragoza (20C, Sunny) around 2pm and arrived to London (5C, Snowing) around 2:30 (local time). Then I confirmed my theory about snow. Snow can be as enjoyable for some as dramatic for others. For me, as a young-active traveler it's rather the first. Didn't take long before I realised that most Londoners do not share my opinion, first thing I read on the free-papers: 'SNOW DAY 3: RUBBISH PILES UP!'.

In London I've stayed at Chiew-Kit's. Chiew-Kit belongs to the great community of Couch Surfing (a.k.a. people who open the doors of their home to travelers just for fun). Without a doubt, meeting Chiew-Kit and his friends has been the best thing I've done in London. Apart from his extraordinary kindness, he's taught me many things about Asian culture (he's a mix of Chinese and Malay). In exchange I've taught him how to prepare some decent Spanish food.

Beyond that it's always great to come back to London, although I must admit that it is quite not the same without my old friends from Guildford. Westminster, Oxford Str., Soho, Covent Garden, Camdem; nothing new apart from half of Camdem's market being burned to the ground, yet always fun.

Highlights of my prologue:
  1. Having my first fix of Cola Cao (Day 0 deserves special care).
  2. Being waken up by a 10-kilo polar bear (dressing up as a cat).
  3. Being chased (almost harassed I'd say) by a Russian lady during my visit to the Fright Club near the London's Eye.
  4. Making a snowman for the Queen in front of Buckingham Palace.
  5. Cooking Spanish stuff for Asian people (upcoming 'Business of the Year')

Interesting things I've learnt:
  • Chinese people address their family's name in the front followed by their given name.
  • Tortilla tastes as good in London as anywhere else.

Tres dias y todo genial. Despues de una noche en casa de unas amigas de Zaragoza (mencion especial para el gato-gigante llamado Salomon), tome el avion para Londres. Pase de 20 a 5 grados en menos de dos horas. La nieve ha aportado un componente especial al viaje, uno no tiene siempre la oportunidad de dedicarle un muñeco de nieve a la Reina Madre.

Estos dos ultimos dias he dormido genial en casa de Chiew-Kit, un estudiante chino-malayo muy majo que me ha enseñado mogollon de cosas sobre Asia y al cual he pagado enseñandole a hacer una buena torilla de patata (por cierto mama, ya te dije que comeria tortilla antes de lo que tu te pensabas).

Nada mas, esta noche voy al aeropuerto para salir para mi proximo destino.


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