Don't Cry For Me Nepal!

After lots of thinking and thinking I decided to leave Nepal last week. It was -undoubtedly- the most difficult decision that I've taken during this trip. The everlasting peace of the mountain villages, the fresh water of the rivers, the wildlife (of all kinds), and above them all the noble Nepali people -who I felt some special connection with- have left an 'unerasable' print on my passport that urges me to come back soon.

Nonetheless my resources aren't unlimited and there is plenty to be seen out there. That's what I told myself in a poor attempt to convince me that I was doing the right thing. Poor and insufficient as it turned out when I saw Mount Everest from the plane that flew me out of Kathmandu. To be continued... some day!

Interesting things that I've learnt in Nepal:
  1. How to roll on a kayak.
  2. How to build a toilet for 20 people with the only help of a shovel.
  3. How to hunt snakes.
  4. How to milk a buffalo.
  5. How to climb high.
  6. How to listen to health warnings from my body.
  7. Fresh water and time cures almost anything not so serious.
  8. Nepali porters are not heroes, they die young.
  9. Animals will always be one step ahead humans.
  10. The most pleasant things in life happen in the darkness or barely lighted by candles. (NB: Do try this at home, including the toilet)

Tras darles muchas vueltas a la cabeza decidi abandonar Nepal la semana pasada. Fue una decisioon dificil. Las montanas, los rios, los animales pero sobretodo la gente me han marcado profundamente y me obligan a volver pronto. No obstante el mundo esta lleno de cosas interesantes que merecen ser vistas. Eso es lo que me decia a mi mismo para converncerme de que estaba haciendo lo correcto, pero la vista del monte Everest desde la ventana de mi avion me decia lo contrario. Te voy a hechar de menos Nepal.


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