Chiang Rai: 대한민국???

Moped!As I've evidenced over the last months, while on the road one learns a lot. Mostly about the country that he is visiting, sometimes about his own country (e.g. currently I'm reading a book about the reflections of an American globetrotter that visited Spain in the 60s) and in some other occasions about the home country of fellow travelers. I've spent the last 3 days with Anna (25, Korean) - one of the survivors of the backpackers tribe that I met in Pai - who accompanied me to Chiang Rai. This extremely funny girl has opened my eyes to the until now unknown Far East culture. Our moped tour around the psychedelic White temple (don't miss the wall painting featuring space ships and Keanu Reeves) and the huge waterfalls served me to get familiarised with facts and figures about South Korea (especially those that one cannot find in the Wikipedia). I'm not sure if I will come upon Korean soil during this diversion, but after all I've been told during the last days I'll definitely do it in the future!

Interesting things I've learnt:
  1. How to write my name in Korean.
  2. Christianity (not Buddhism) is the top religious confession in the country.
  3. Koreans drive on the RIGHT side of the road.
  4. Koreans can drink a lot, young fellows prefer a special 20% alch. vodka (Anna confessed that almost any girl could drink one bottle of this in one night!)
  5. The Korean alphabet consists of 14 consonants and 6 vowels that can be combined into characters which can be combined again into words whose meaning can only be distinguished from other homonym words by the context.
  6. Despite their small size (10x7 cm), Korean Palm computers can run almost anything made out of 0s and 1s!

It's time now to resume my quest for adventure. I'm heading north where the land grows rougher and the internet connection nonexistent so don't expect news for a while!

Creo que ha estas alturas ya esta claro que la carretera es una de las mejores escuelas que existen. En la mayoria de casos uno aprende sobre el pais que visita, otras veces sobre su propio pais (p.ej. ahora estoy leyendo un libro sobre un aventurero americano que visito la Espana profunda en los 60s) y en algunas ocasiones sobre los paises de otros viajeros. Este ha sido el caso durante los ultimos 3 dias. Gracias a Anna, una de las coreanas que conoci en Pai y que me acompano a Chiang Rai, he aprendido un gran numero de curiosidades sobre el lejano oriente. Esta coreana ha tirado por suelo mitos como que el budismo es la religion principal (en realidad es el cristianismo), o que conducen por la izquierda (en realidad conducen como en Europa), o como que los orientales son timidos (segun ella las chicas alli pueden llegar a beber una botella de vodka en una noche!). Ademas he aprendido algo del alfabeto koreano (14 consonantes y 6 vocales que dan para mucho), y ahora soy capaz de escribir mi nombre en koreano. Y todo esto entre risas y excursiones a templos y cascadas. En fin, no creo que llegue hasta Korea en este viaje pero sin duda alguna lo hare en el futuro!
PS: Me dirijo al norte donde el terreno se torna montanoso y la conexion a internet complicada asi que no espereis noticias por al menos una semana.


Anonymous said...
May 17, 2009 at 5:07 AM

Sunday afternoon, after an italian lunch, I check your blog and tell your story to my friends...You are just unbelievable! I'm so glad I met you along my boring way...
Have a nice day,
Vacaloca aun no embarazada...

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