Annapurnas Day 1: Where Children Grow On Trees

Packing up took me longer than I thought (went bed around 1am), but as it turned out I invested well my time. My 10 kg rucksack (<- here my tribute to German) included all I was going to need during the trek, no more, no less. WaterfallWoke up at 5 am and walked 15 min in the complete darkness to meet Bodo and Benny downtown. A sleepy taxi driver played some bizarre Nepali rock on the radio on the way to the bus stand where we had just enough time to have a Nepalese tea and some brand-baked rolls before getting on a 'tourist-I-promise-tourist' bus. No worries, who cares about having limited or no space for the legs when one is to face 15 days of severe leg stretching! Arrived to Besisahar by noon, I remember leaving behind a couple of Dutch trekkers enjoying some bread and butter (Quoting Woulter: "The Netherlands, the only nation that has breakfast twice a day on a daily basis") while we walked for the second bus of the day. The second ride was even more thrilling. This time our main concern was not the overcrowded carriage but the negligible distance between the wheels of the bus and a 150 m free fall. At last the God-blessed vehicle reached the point where the 'road' extinguishes, which nowadays (but not for long) is Bhulbhule (840 m). Here a curious fact for those interested: Bhulbhule is an onomatopoeic name resembling the sound of the cruising by river Marsyangdi (hope you enjoyed it!). Signed our credentials at the local ACAP check point, we were ready to start walking.

A long suspensions bridge and a remarkable waterfall offered a promising welcome to the trek. It's funny when I look back in my memories and remember the naive convoy taking photos like crazy as though those were the only bridge and waterfall of the trek! :). From there on 6 hours of pleasant trekking up the valley overwhelmed by sights such as the Coca Cola delivery man (porter) and the Children-tree (Prunum Parvulus).

On the trekThe sun went down but we, still on the trek, felt confident to reach Ghermu that evening. I forgot to mention that we were aiming to cut off one day within the first 3 days of trek so that we could complete the circuit in two weeks enabling Bodo to be back in Delhi in time for work.

Ghermu (1130 m) materialized just when we were starting to have problems to see the trek without autonomous light. It was great relief to check in and take our sweaty T-shirts off, nevertheless the best part was the dinner. Apparently the Coca Cola delivery boy wasn't the only one, his counterpart of the custard company had been to Ghermu too!

El primer dia comenzo temprano para mi. La noche anterior me acoste tarde ya que tenia que resolver muchos asuntos antes de partir, entre ellos preparar la mochila. 10 kg que incluian todo lo que a la postre resultaria util. Asi, tras 4 hora de sueño sali en medio de la noche al encuentro de Bodo y Benny. La radio del minitaxi nos mantuvo despiertos hasta la para del primer bus. Un bus abarrotado hasta los topes de gente pero no nos preocupamos demasiado, al fin y al cabo teniamos 15 dias por delante para estirar las piernas. Cerca del mediodia llegamos a Bhulbhule, la ultima ciudad hasta donde alcanza el camino de parcelaria hoy en dia (aunque no por mucho tiempo). Desde alli partimos valle arriba a orillas del Marsyangdi. Un puente colgante y una cascada bastante impresionante nos dieron la bienvenida al camino. Es gracioso pensar ahora en la cantidad de fotos que sacamos pensando que estos serian los unicos puentes y cascadas del camino. De ahi en adelante 6 horas de paso agil hasta Ghermu. El camino nos iba desvelando sus secretos poco a poco, un porteador acarreando mil y una botellas de Coca Cola, niños que crecen en los arboles... no pasaban mas de 15 minutos sin ver algo intrigante. Justo cuando ya empezabamos a tener problemas para discernir el sendero llegamos a Ghermu. Fue un alivio llegar y darse una ducha (fria), tal vez habiamos estado demasido tiempo caminando pero es que queriamos ahorrar un dia de camino para que Bodo pudiera volver a Delhi a tiempo para reincorporarse al trabajo. Lo mejor de la noche fue la cena, hidratos de carbono en forma de macarrones y ¡natillas de postre!


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