As if still dreaming my eyes opened slowly on day 3 to find my body surrounded by white sand. The sun and the roar of the ocean felt like an angry mum pulling the sheets of a lazy teenager. Five more minutes, please! I needed them, last night was better than yesterday's however I had to wake up several times to fight battalions of crabs attacking my quarters from every imaginable angle.
When I planned this challenge - I mean the Islander game - I conceived it as a 3-day experience. This means that today was my last day here. Yes, one more sunset and I would have achieved my goal.Last days are meant to be fun. God rested, students party, ex-employees steal pens, ex-smokers smoke... I decided that during my last day in this island I should do all the fun stuff that castaways do. I started my day with a photo-shooting session. The ocean, the beach, my-terrible-looking-self, etc. During the photographic session I noticed that there were some things missing to make a proper castaway. For one my outfit. Where did those tattered clothes go? Nothing that can't be solved in five minute of conscientious tailor work. The second feature missing required a little bit more of work and loads of imagination. Ever since the beginning of the castaway times every respectful wrecker has been known to have a partner, a loyal companion, a soulmate, a friend. Robinson Crusoe had his man Friday, Tom Hanks got emotional with Wilson, but what about me? Well, I've got Mr. ColaCao! (who else). Boy, it feels good to have someone by my side.
After the photos it was time for a swim. The sun shinning in the blue sky and the crystal-clear waters made for a perfect snorkeling day. No big fish though. After a coconut lunch and a short nap I decided to try fishing. Grabbed my rod, my bait and climbed up the rocks. Disoriented fish comprised my initial target. I set the bait that I caught yesterday and sank the hook into the sea. Soon I noticed something pulling the fishing line. Wait. 1,2,3... off we go! Nothing (except for a shiny clean hook). Bastards. Second attempt, something pulling, 1,2,3... up! Dammit! Ok, let's try with something easier: smaller fish swimming amidst the rocks. Here we go... yes, yes, biting, yes, c'mon swallow b*tch... blaaaaast! You stupid son of Nemo! This went on and on until I ran out of bait. Overall catch of the day: two small crabs that didn't make it for a dinner, so I let them free anyway.
When the sun approached the horizon I had time for a last castaway's cliche: the message in a bottle. With the joy of a castaway who knows that the end is close I dropped a few lines hoping that someone someday will remember me. I rolled my message and put it in a bottle. I released it in the sea. I watched it float away, its silhouette shrinking until it became a small point. Then gone.
Congratulations Iñaki! you made it, you survived, you got your answer!
Tras mi tercer amanecer en la isla mis ojos se abieron despacio para descubrirme rodeado de arena blanca. Los rayos del sol y el sonido de las olas del mar imitaban a una madre tratanto de despertar a su hijo para ir al cole. 5 minutos mas, hoy los necesito. A pesar de que la pasada noche fue mucho mas tranquila que la anterior, casi en media docena de ocasiones tuve que hacer frente a ejercitos de cangrejos que atacaban mi mosquitera desde todos los flancos.
Cuando planifique este desafio - jugar a Robinsones - lo concevi como una experiencia de 3 dias. Eso significa que hoy era mi ultimo dia. Un atardecer mas me separaba de mi objetivo. Los ultimos dias son siempre felices. Dios descanso, los estudiantes queman libros, los ex-empleados roban boligrafos y los ex-fumadores fuman. Por ello, en mi ultimo dia, yo me he dedicado a hacer todas esas cosas divertidas que me correspondian como buen naufrago. Para empezar una sesion fotografica. Playa, mar, mis pintas (y que pintas!)... espera, aqui falla algo. Dos cosas para ser mas exactos. Primero mi vestimenta, que ha sido de esas ropas desgarradas? Nada que no se pueda solucionar con 5 minutos de cuchillo y maña. Una vez atabiado como corresponde solo faltaba un detalle: mi compañero de aventuras. Todo superviviente de un naufragio que se tercie ha de tener un compañero de peripecias. Robinson Crusoe tenia al indio Viernes. Tom Hanks en "Naufrago" encontro alivio en Wilson (el balon de volley). Y yo? Pues yo tengo al Señor ColaCao, quien sino! El tiempo vuela en buena compañia.
Tras las fotos un bañito. Cielo azul, aguas cristalinas, dia perfecto para bucear. Un lastima que no hubiese peces. Despues de una breve comida (cocos, claro esta) y una siesta, decidi probar suerte con la caña (de pescar). Con mis aparejos de pesca en ristre me encarame a las rocas. Alli prepare el cebo (los pececillos que pesque ayer) y probe suerte en el mar. Primer objetivo, peces despistados. Al poco de echar la caña senti que algo picaba. 1,2,3... vamos que nos vamos, arriba! Nada, cebo limpio. Segundo intento. Venga que si, 1,2,3... arriba! C*bron de pez, se esta poniendo las botas a costa de mi cebo. Decidi probar suerte en las charcas entre lsa rocas. 1,2,3... traga, traga! arriba! Cajones! Y asi una y otra vez hasta que me quede sin cebo. Balance del dia: 2 tristes cangrejos que devolvi a las rocas pues no hacian ni una sopa.
El sol cayo sobre el horizonte dejandome tiempo para una ultima ceremonia: el mensaje en la botella. Con la alegria del naufrago que se sabe cercano a su fin, deje caer unas lineas con la esperanza de que alguien me recuerde algun dia. Meti el mensaje en la botella y la libere en el oceano. Luego segui la silueta hasta que desaparecio en el horizonte. Felicidades Iñaki, lo has conseguido, ahora ya puedes decir lo que significa ser un Robinson!
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