It all started when my -second consecutive- JetStar flight touched down at Avalon's airport. The unexpected chill of the south coastal spring put a sudden end to the 8-month summer that I had been living in since I left London. I couldn't help, however, to feel comforted at the idea of being back home that the drizzle and the green fields of Victoria evoked in my mind. Wake up Iñaki, it's time to dream on!

Most visitors will remember Melbourne as a huge, slick, modern city famous for its thriving cultural scene, overwhelming sports calendar and fair share of beautiful sights. Thanks to Roan I will remember Melbourne as The Capital where one can easily jump from a Bronx-style backyard bar to a cosy pub full of grandma's sofas in less than a minute. The only city that I know where Spanish churros smoothly complete a perfect Japanese sushi dinner. The one place that pops from the top of my head when someone asks me for a gig of Brazilian percussion at twilight. In other worlds, the coolest city in Australia and, as far as I am concerned, in the whole southern hemisphere!
For all this I must admit that the idea of settling in Melbourne for a while was very tempting, especially now that the lifespan of my batteries is starting to shorten. Nonetheless there is something inside me that pushes me forward in this diversion, an eager spirit to discover new places and new people. And I owe it some respect, after all it was thanks to this that I've met amazing people like Roan. Lots of chops and plynkton for you mate, and let's keep rollin'!
Interesting things that I've learnt:
- Kangaroo steaks are delicious.
- All the kangaroo meat sold in Australia comes from wild kangaroos as breeding these animals is strictly prohibited due to the current overpopulation.
- Australians love for TLAs (Three-Letter-Acronyms) has gone too far in Melbourne as most locals would address the 'MCG' (a famous sports venue) simply as the 'G'.
- Australia's national football squad are proudly named the 'Socceroos'. Other master pieces of Aussie marketing applied to sports include the 'Hockeyroos' and the 'Wallabies'.
- Australia is home to almost as many rare sports as animal species. For the starters we've got footy, netball, ultimate frisbee, frisbee golf...
Mi experiencia me dice que la visita a una nueva ciudad es tan agradable como la compañia de la que se disfruta durante la misma. Un buen ejemplo de esto fue mi visita a Melbourne la semana pasada, donde gracias a mi viejo amigo Roan (al que conoci en Nepal) pase unos dias estupendos.
Para la mayoria de los turistas Melbourne es una gran urbe de estilo moderno, con una agenda cultural muy agetreada y un calendario de eventos deportivos impresionante (GP Formula 1, Open de Australia de Tenis, Phillip Island Moto GP...). Gracias a Roan, un MTV en toda regla, Melbourne permanecera en mi recuerdo como una de las ciudades mas interesantes y divertidas de todo el mundo. El unico lugar que conozco donde uno puede encontrar sushi japones, pan tibetano y churros con chocolate en un mismo menu. La perfecta combinacion entre rascacielos, parques, graffitis y playa. Y a nivel mas personal, una estupenda estacion de servicios donde reconciliarse con el sofa, la tele, la cocina casera y los kilos que deje en los baños de Queensland.
Roan y sus amigos me hicieron sentir tan 'en familia' que fue dificil despedirse de Melbourne. Sin embargo algo dentro de mi me empuja a seguir descubriendo nuevos lugares y nuevos amigos. Y todo sea dicho, este espiritu viajero se ha ganado mi respeto, pues gracias a el he conocido a gente como Roan. Un abrazo fuerte compañero y nos vemos en Europa!
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