Sun, Sea, Sandals... Sydney!

ColaCao and I in SydneyBack on my flip-flops (or 'thongs' as they are known locally) I took the streets of Sydney heading to nowhere -as I usually do- expectantly for the city charms to assault me. It didn't take long before the botanic gardens stroke me. I'm not what you would call a tree hugger but I must admit that some of those woody fellows were quite impressive. Accidentally I exited the gardens to run into my every New Year's Eve lunchtime. I guess this needs some explanation. For us Europeans there is no 31st of December without the ordinary lunchtime TV news showing Sydney's harbour in all its glory packed with people celebrating the new year. I have to say that -even without the fireworks- the sight is stunning. Looking at the pictures it seems that I spent all my time in Sydney staring at the Opera House, well perhaps I didn't spent ALL of it, but certainly a great part. The building is just awesome, an intriguing mix of simplicity and complexity that hypnotized me for hours.

Say hi!Nevertheless what made my visit to Sydney such a great time was meeting Scarlett (Spanish, ?) again. Almost one year ago Scarlett and I threw a joint farewell party in Holland. Months later the two of us happened to be in Pushkar (India) at the same time, but I wasn't aware of this until it was too late. Finally, days before I arrived to Sydney I got to know that Scarlett was in the city after a few months traveling around Australia. To the great fun of catching up with old friends, I must add the interesting insights that this talented architect (<- looking for work, just in case somebody knows someone...) gave me about the city's architecture. Moreover Scarlett showed me Darling harbour and the beaches, legendary Bondi and Manly. I reckon I know no other big city on earth where you can find such a beautiful beach escape within 30-minute distance.

In conclusion Sydney is just how I imagined it in my mind, a pretty laid-back major city where even bats and dogs know how to enjoy the sun!

Sydney me devolvio a mis sandalias de dedo por unos dias. Cielos despejados y 22 graditos de media que hacian las delicias de patateros, murcielagos y perros por igual. Mi paseo rutinario para familiarizarme con el entorno me llevo a traves de los jardines botanicos hasta el puerto de Sydney y de alli -por arte de magia- al txoko de mis tios en Marauri. Me explico, creo que todos asociamos de manera automatica la imagen del puerto de Sydney a la hora de comer del 31 de Diciembre, cuando el telediario -con poco que contar- se recrea en imagenes de miles de personas dando la bienvenida al nuevo ano en Sydney. Pues si, ahi mismo estaba yo, mirando embelesado al mitico puente y sobretodo a la Opera de Sydney. Aun sin los fuegos artificiales la panoramica es increible.
Vistas aparte, lo mejor de mi visita a Sydney fue reencontrarme con mi amiga Scarlett. Por casualidades de la vida esta barcelonesa y yo hemos coincidido en tres paises en menos de un ano. Hace casi un ano celebramos nuestra fiesta de despedida conjunta en Holanda, donde yo estudiabamos/trabajamos. Meses mas tarde coincidimos en Pushkar (India) el mismo dia, pero por desgracia para cuando me entere era demasiado tarde. Finalmente, dias ants de llegar a Sydney, me entere de que Scarlett estaba en la ciudad en mitad de sus viaje por Australia asi que no dude en pegarle un toque. Al placer de encontrarse con un viejo amigo he de sumar las charlas superinteresantes sobre la arquitectura de la ciudad (Escarlata es arquitecta, y buscar curro, por cierto). Ademas esta conocedora de Sydney me enseno las legendarias playas de Bondi y Mandy, dos delicias a menos de media hora del puerto.
En conclusion Sydney no ha defraudado mis expectativas, una gran ciudad.


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