My Supplies

As I explained in the first post of this blog, this trip will end when I run out of any of my basic supplies:
LifeLife: Quite obvious, the only item that cannot be earned/purchased anywhere (unless you're Super Mario).
MoneyMoney: Probably the less important one since it can be earned along the way. Hopefully, at the end of the trip I will be able to demonstrate that it doesn't take a kidney to travel the world.
LifeMorale: An important one. I'll be travelling as long as I'm happy. Boredom, tiredness and health problems could affect my morale; to counteract it there are plenty of excting things to do, people to meet...
ColaCaoCola Cao: The difference between life and death. I run on Cola Cao since I was a child. For this trip I'm carrying just a few fixes for special days. God only knows what could happen if I lose them!

Tal y como expliqué al comienzo de este blog, retornaré a casa cuando agote cualquiera de los cuatro suministros básicos que necesito: Vida, Dinero, Moral y Cola Cao.

Lo de la vida es evidente, si se me acaba más que volver a casa me traerán (tranqui mamá, que es una broma...). Dinero, el menos importante ya que no es imprescindible y además puede conseguirse por el camino. Moral, este sí es importante. El aburrimiento o el cansancio pueden afectar mi moral, para evitarlo siempre habrá gente y cosas nuevas que conocer/hacer. El Cola Cao, mi gasolina. Me llevo 6 sobrecillos para días especiales, cuando se me acaben vuelvo a por más.


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